How To Keep Your Central Vacuum Running in Tip-Top Shape

If you are like many people who decide to go with a central vacuum system, one of the primary considerations was probably convenience. You liked the idea of not having to haul noisy, heavy vacuums around the house or up and downstairs when you clean. With a central vacuum, you also know that your system will provide the power you need to handle all your cleaning jobs efficiently.

How to keep your central vacuum running in tip top shape

Another benefit central vacuums offer is that they do not require the homeowner to give them much thought. Manufacturers build them to last for a long time without needing constant tending. To help you keep your system going, here are a few tips on the small amount of maintenance necessary to keep your central vacuum operating optimally.


One of the major drawbacks of portable vacuums is the filtering mechanism. The filter or bag needs frequent changing. If you do not perform this messy chore regularly, the vacuum starts losing power and can quit working altogether. Over the life of the vacuum, the cost of buying filters and bags can add up to a substantial amount of money.

Modern central vacuum filters available from BEAM St. Louis are permanent and self-cleaning. Manufacturers have designed a method by which dirt is shaken off the filter before it reaches the motor. This system frees you from having to replace filters and bags. The only thing you have to do is empty the dirt receptacle roughly once a quarter.

If you are looking for central vacuum parts around in Ballwin, MO, it will pay you to check out BEAM St. Louis. The professionals there not only part of the largest authorized BEAM dealer, but they also offer a complete line of central vacuum parts and accessories.


Proper care of your hose is a crucial part of keeping your central vacuum working correctly. Cracked, misshaped or broken hoses can cause you to lose vacuum power. Your hose will last longer if you follow a few simple tips.

  • Hang your hose up – Not only does hanging your hose help you keep your storage closet neater, it protects the hose from damage caused by accidentally stepping on it or stacking heavy objects on top of it.
  • Do not leave cleaning heads attached to the hose – Storing your hose with the cleaning heads attached can lead to a crack forming on the hose coupling.
  • Invest in a hose cover – Hose covers protect your hose and help keep it clean, so you won’t have to worry about dragging a dirty hose across furniture or floors.

Carpet Brush

Suction powers the carpet brush for a central vacuum and causes it to spin at a high rate of speed. Over time, hair and carpet fibers can work their way around the roller and become entangled. When you notice this happening, use a pair of scissors to cut the debris away from the roller carefully. If you allow a large amount of these materials to accumulate, the roller will get off balance and lose cleaning efficiency or completely stop working.

Special Accessories or parts

  • Motors – Modern central vacuum electric motors arrive from the factory-sealed, so they do not have any replaceable parts. Manufacturers build motors to last for years, so you probably won’t have to worry about replacing yours anytime soon.
  • Electronics – A single control board typically contains all of the electronics necessary to operate a central vacuum. If something goes wrong with an electronic component, you must replace the control board.
  • Electrical Hookups – Different types of central vacuum motors require different wiring and electrical connectors to operate correctly. Always make sure to disconnect power to the central vacuum system before attempting to replace any electrical components or connections.
  • Inlet covers and pipes – You may want to replace inlet covers for aesthetic reasons, but they can also get damaged and reduce your central vacuum’s suction power. Additionally, the tubes that attach to the inlet covers can become clogged with dirt or objects over time. You can find inlet central vacuum parts in Ballwin, MO, at BEAM St. Louis. They carry a complete line of installation hookup accessory packages to meet almost any need.

BEAM St. Louis for All Your Central Vacuum Needs

Whether you want to spruce up your existing system with some new inlet covers or plan to install a complete central vacuum system, BEAM St. Louis can help. As the largest authorized BEAM dealer in the US, they can help you find just the right central vacuum parts..

People choose central vacuums for many reasons: convenience, noise reduction, allergy relief, etc. They want BEAM St. Louis because they are the experts in central vacuums and central vacuum parts in Ballwin, MO. Their experts can help you decide what system or upgrades you need to help you discover the ease and convenience of a central vacuum home or business.

How to Decide When a Beam Central Vacuum Part Needs Repaired or Replaced

As with any appliance, after a certain amount of use, central vacuum parts from Beam will start to have issues. If the vacuum system is well maintained, the amount of elapsed time before repairs or replacement parts are needed can be increased. Because attempting to use a vacuum system with malfunctioning parts can be hazardous, it is important to fix any issues as soon as they arise. This can not only prevent dangerous situations but also further damage to the vacuum system. Here are some tips to help you decide when to repair or replace central vacuum parts.

What Causes Issues With Parts

When your central vacuum system is having issues, it’s not necessarily a result of misuse. Normal wear and tear will eventually lead to parts going bad. Rarely, there is a manufacturing defect that needs addressed. There are cases where using a vacuum system in ways it was not designed to be used can directly result in a system malfunction. The following three things can help to extend the lifespan of central vacuum parts from Beam:

  • Empty the collection container every three months to prevent clogging
  • Store the hose and attachment accessories in a cool, safe place so they don’t warp or crack
  • Use the vacuum system for its intended purpose

If these things are not being done, parts can break down prematurely.

Potentially Repairable Components

Sometimes a crack in an attachment piece can be fixed with glue, depending on the size of the crack. In most cases, it is better to replace a damaged part than attempt to repair it. Because patching up an issue may not resolve the problem, trying to find a temporary solution can lead to damaging other parts of your vacuum system. Issues with one part can put unusual amounts of stress on other parts not designed to handle it and can lead to the breakdown of additional parts. For the well-being of the entire system, it is typically best to replace components unless the issue is merely cosmetic.

Most Commonly Replaced Components

The components under the most amount of stress while the vacuum system is in use are usually the components that will need replaced first. The following are commonly replaced components:

  • Switch assembly on the hose
  • Power nozzle necks
  • PC board
  • Hose handle
  • Attachment pieces

These are the parts used most regularly and therefore tend to break down the fastest. With that in mind, central vacuum parts from Beam should last a long time when properly cared for. It is also helpful to keep in mind that a vacuum system used every day is likely to have issues before a vacuum system used once a week. Parts failure tends to be the result of use and not determined necessarily by the age of the system.

Unsafe Parts to Repair

In the even you have an issue with any of the central vacuum parts from Beam, keep safety first. Attempting to repair a broken power unit or switch assembly without professional help can be dangerous. Sometimes a local Beam dealer can send a technician to repair issues, but most likely they will recommend replacing the parts altogether instead of simply repairing them. It can be helpful to locate the specific problem area or part before calling a local Beam dealer so a technician can bring a replacement and fix the issue in one visit.

How to Find Replacement Central Vacuum Parts from Beam

Beam is one of the most well-known and reputable central vacuum companies, so finding replacement parts is typically not difficult. Most local Beam dealers should either have the commonly replaced parts in stock or be able to order them quickly. Beam makes it very simple for dealers to obtain parts and provide them to customers. Each piece of the system is available separately, so you won’t have to purchase a kit of unnecessary parts just to get the one you need. A Beam dealer can also help you figure out exactly which parts need replaced so you don’t order the wrong ones and have to wait longer to get your system fixed.

Trust Professionals With Your Beam Parts Replacement and Repairs

Whatever your customer service need may be, Beam of St. Louis can help. With experienced technicians able to repair or replace any malfunctioning parts of your central vacuum system, you won’t have to worry about wasting time or money. Rather than attempt to purchase a replacement part or complete a repair by yourself, trust your system to the professionals at Beam of St. Louis. With the necessary skills to quickly replace parts and repair a system, your central vacuum will be performing optimally in no time. No problem is too big or too small, customer satisfaction and safety takes top priority. Take advantage of the knowledge and expertise of Beam of St. Louis and get your central vacuum parts from Beam replaced quickly and safely.

7 Reasons To Install a Central Vacuum System

Vacuum cleaners are useful and necessary home-care products. Unfortunately, portable cleaners are cumbersome and obnoxious. If you live in a ranch-style home without a basement, perhaps a portable vacuum isn’t too bad, but when you add stories to a house, transitioning from room-to-room and floor-to-floor is inconvenient. If you own a multi-level home, you have two options, continue working with inefficient portable machines or install one of several central vacuum systems. If you are on the fence about which option is best, consider the following seven benefits of a centralized system.

  1. Cost

A central vacuum system is expensive. However, portable vacuums are also costly. The primary difference between the two systems is that the central unit is significantly more capable than the mobile unit, and last longer, too. Portable vacuums have a lifespan of between three and eight years, depending on the style, model and manufacturer. Central vacuums, alternatively, last an average of 20 years. While the cost of a centralized system is likely three or more times that of a portable vacuum, the extended lifespan often results in cost savings.

  1. Use

Portable vacuums have limited capabilities, with wide heads, bulky canisters and a restricted range of motion. Cleaning every nook and cranny in your home is nearly impossible with a single upright vacuum. Central vacuum cleaners, however, allow for maximum flexibility and ease of use. You don’t have to use extension cords or avoid tripping hazards. You merely plug the hose attachment into the wall outlet and go about your cleaning. The thin and petite build of most vacuum attachments results in efficient cleaning of even the hardest to reach spaces.

  1. Power

Most people underestimate the power of central vacuum systems. They assume that if the vacuum motor is not within inches of the wand or sweeper, it must not be effective. However, what many homeowners do not realize is central vacuums have a significantly more powerful motor than your standard upright vacuum. Because manufacturers engineer central vacuums to remain stationary, the motors are between three to five times more powerful than a traditional vacuum. The increased power equates to greater and sustained suction throughout your home, once again contributing to the significant benefits of central systems over portable ones.

  1. Versatility

While central vacuums come with upright attachments, there are many options that allow for versatile cleaning. Surface and varying materials will no longer restrict your cleaning efforts because your vacuum system allows for quick changing attachments for carpet cleaning or cobweb removal. Sure, portable vacuums may come with hose attachments also, but the hoses on these vacuums are short, limiting the effectiveness. Centralized vacuums use standard 30-foot hoses, but you can also purchase extension hoses to maximize the reach of the appliance. Central vacuum systems offer greater reach, more power and improved control.

  1. Health

Overall health and the reduction of allergens and other home air contaminants are other superior reasons to use a central vacuum over a portable or traditional one. Portable units do not ventilate outside of the home; they recycle the air in the room. While some portable machines have HEPA filters, the filtration system is not as advanced as manufacturers would like you to believe. Installers of central vacuum systems, however, often base the units or canisters in a garage or basement, venting them outside, which leads to all contaminants being pulled and removed from the interior of your home, not cycled back into whatever room you are cleaning.

  1. Weight

A standard upright vacuum weighs between 13 and 18 pounds, which doesn’t sound like much until you are lugging it up staircases or onto couches. People with arthritis and other physical limitations will also understand how the weight of a vacuum affects the way they clean. While some lighter weight uprights exist, you are unlikely to find a unit that compares to the lightweight efficiency of a central vacuum. The attachments may only weigh in at two to three pounds, making lifting and maneuvering a breeze.

  1. Noise

A portable vacuum cleaner is about 78 decibels or more, which is 10 decibels greater than a central vacuum system. While 10 decibels may not sound like a significant difference, it is, especially when you consider the location of the main unit and motor are elsewhere in your home. The distance away from the central unit means you can carry on with cleaning without disturbing other activities in the house. You can even talk on the phone while vacuuming.

Central vacuum systems are superior to portable or traditional units; the versatility and health benefits alone are enough to qualify that statement. However, beyond improving air quality and making cleaning easier, central units allow for a more peaceful home environment. If you are interested in a central vacuum for your home, contact a representative from BEAM of St. Louis to schedule an appointment and get a free estimate.