Top Accessories to Add to Your Central Vacuum

When it comes to keeping your home sparkling, a central vacuum is a convenient tool that allows you to accomplish your cleaning goals quickly and efficiently. This powerful vacuum is known for its versatility, deep cleaning abilities, minimal noise and strong suction. When you have a central vacuum in your home, you may find that every cleaning job becomes significantly easier and less time consuming. In addition to being a powerful and efficient tool, your central vacuum is extremely intuitive, making the vacuuming process simple and productive.

Top accessories to add to your central vacuum

You may already know all about the benefits of central vacuums. However, what you might not know is that there are numerous accessories that you can add to your vacuum to increase its usefulness and efficiency. No matter what you wish to get out of your central vacuum, finding the right accessories for it can help you make the most of this household tool and tailor it to your unique needs. This guide can help you choose the best central vacuum accessories if you’re ready to streamline your vacuum.

How to Find the Right Accessories

When you first brought home your central vacuum, you probably received several basic accessories that came with the purchase. Most central vacuums include the following essential items:

  • Dusting brush
  • Crevice tool
  • Upholstery tool
  • Floor tools

While these accessories might seem like all you need to enjoy your vacuum to the fullest, there are many other possibilities that are available. To find the accessories that are right for you, be sure to consider the type of floor you have, your storage needs, the maintenance needs of your car and whether you have pets that need to be groomed. Taking each of these aspects into consideration can simplify the process of finding the best central vacuum accessories for your needs.

Hardwood Floor Brushes

Most central vacuums come with a basic set of floor tools. However, if your home has hardwood floors, it’s best to look for a floor brush that is specifically designed for your floors. Wooden materials require special care and attention to stay in top condition, and a hardwood floor brush can allow your floors to sparkle year-round. This accessory is also a necessary addition if you’re concerned that your central vacuum will damage your wood floors without proper protection.

Storage Accessories

For the ultra-organized homeowner, storage tools are a must. These convenient central vacuum accessories allow you to easily store your vacuum and organize any accessories that go along with it. All of your wands, hoses and tools can easily hang on the walls of your closet with the help of storage accessories. As a result, you can enjoy a clean and decluttered floor space as well as a spotless storage closet.

Vehicle Accessories

If you aim to tidy up your car using your central vacuum, it’s a good idea to invest in high-quality vehicle accessories. Whether you have an accumulation of crumbs in your vehicle that you need to remove or just want to do a quick detailing of the interior, the proper vehicle cleaning tools can help you get the job done efficiently. These central vacuum accessories are particularly helpful to bring along with you during road trips or other situations where you might need to clean up a mess caused by the kids or dog.

Pet Tools

Central vacuum users who own pets should consider adding pet accessories to their vacuums. Pet brushes, which are durable and flexible tools, glide easily across your pet’s fur while removing any loose hair. This feature makes any grooming job significantly faster and easier. Additionally, if your pet has a tendency to shed, you can solve this problem with a suction kit designed to eliminate shedding. This accessory allows you to safely clean your pet’s fur without creating a mess.

Sock Covers

Some homeowners find that their central vacuums create scratches on their hardwood floors and furniture legs while they clean. Sock cover central vacuum accessories were created to eliminate scratching while vacuum owners polish their floors and furniture. All you have to do is place the sock cover over your vacuum hose and clean your home freely. Whether you’re vacuuming wood, tile or carpeting, you don’t have to worry about the vacuum hose causing any damage. Thanks to this versatile accessory, you can also enjoy a much smoother vacuuming job that helps you navigate the cleaning process seamlessly.

Making the Most of Your Central Vacuum System

A central vacuum system is a highly efficient and powerful addition to your home. However, with the help of a few simple accessories, your favorite household tool can become even more useful. Whether you’re looking for a quick and easy way to groom your pets or need to properly maintain your hardwood floors, BEAM of St. Louis has convenient and reliable central vacuum accessories that can cater to all of your cleaning needs.

4 Tips to Storing Beam Central Vacuum Accessories

Whether you’ve recently purchased a home with a central vacuum system or you’ve chosen to install such a system in your current home, you’ve made a wise decision.  Many homeowners report that they will never go back to traditional vacuum cleaners after experiencing the convenience and powerful cleaning abilities of a central vac system. If you’ve never had a central vac system before, you may have a lot of questions. In addition to learning how often to maintain your main unit, you may also be wondering how to store your central vacuum accessories Beam out of sight. Here are some tips to help you keep your accessories hidden away but available for immediate use when you need them.

Designate a Storage Area

When installing a new central vacuum system, you’ll need to figure out two main storage areas: one for your vacuum canister/motor and one for your hose, cleaning attachments and all other accessories.

Many people choose to store the bulk of their central vacuum in the basement. That way it’s out of sight and far enough away from most daily activities that the noise during operation is minimal. Others have their canister and motor installed in the garage. This is a good idea if you have a relatively small home and want to make good use of extra space in the garage. Still others choose to put their central vacuum system in the attic where it will cause minimal disruption to everyday life. No matter where you choose to put yours, make sure it’s far enough out of the way to maintain a sufficient level of quiet when it’s operating. Colder temperatures are also generally better to store central vacuums in than warm temperatures and can keep the motor from getting too hot.

As far as storing your central vacuum accessories Beam, look for a closet in your home that’s in a central location and has enough space for the hose and all attachments. You don’t want your vacuum accessories to share a space with kitchen appliances or any other food-preparation items. Instead, store it in a closet along with games, coats or other cleaning supplies.

Get Organized

Once you find a closet space that can accommodate your central vacuum accessories Beam, it’s time to get organized. The more organized you are, the easier it will be to locate the vacuum attachments and tools you need quickly. If the closet is large enough, carefully organize it by tool size and frequency of use. Some central vac accessories are small and prone to misplacement. To keep this from happening, arrange your smallest tools in a tool bag. Try to put all floor-cleaning tools in one area (carpet cleaner, vacuum hose and attachments, spot treatments, etc.) so you can take care of your cleaning needs efficiently.

Purchase the Hide-A-Hose

A hide-a-hose makes it easy to store your vacuum out of sight. While it’s an upgrade from the standard central vacuum hose, many homeowners think it’s worth the initial investment. A hide-a-hose store directly in the wall. It doesn’t take up any closet storage space, which is important for smaller homes. When you want to use it, you just open the inlet to reveal the retracted hose. Pull the hose out to your desired length and use it to thoroughly vacuum your house or quickly spot vacuum specific areas before guests arrive. It’s remarkably convenient and easy to use. When you’re done with the hose, you don’t have to shove it forcefully back into the wall. Instead, leave the central vacuum on and allow the suction from the system to self-retract the hose back into the wall. This is the most clutter-free, hassle-free way to store your central vacuum accessories Beam.

Store Your Hose on a Rack

If you don’t mind putting your hose away manually after each use, you should consider installing a hose rack. If you throw your hose into a pile in the closet, it will become kinked and worn out over time. A hose rack can prevent this from happening by allowing you to store your hose neatly every time you put it away. Since your central vac system and all associated accessories are an investment, it’s wise to take good care of them so they last as long as possible. Additionally, keeping your hose wrapped loosely around a rack can prevent it from becoming tangled the next time you want to use it.

Find More Central Vacuum Accessories Beam

Once you find the ideal central vacuum and hose system for your home, follow the easy tips listed above to store your central vacuum accessories Beam. Take good care of your investment and it will work as expected for years to come. If you’re looking for additional accessories to help keep your home spotless, check out the selection of quality vacuum products Beam of St. Louis offers.

9 Ways a Central Vacuum System Will Change Your Life

If you’ve never lived in a home with a centralized vacuum system, you may be surprised to learn about the many excellent benefits central vacuum systems provide. From saving you money to making your regular cleaning easier and more efficient, there are many reasons to consider installing a centralized unit in your home. If you’re considering a central vacuum system for your home, here are the top nine benefits you’ll enjoy once your system is installed and operational.

Quieter Operation with Decentralized Units

Everybody knows that a vacuum cleaner is loud, and if you have a pet it’s likely they’ve grown to fear or even hate your home’s vacuum cleaner. With central vacuum systems, this is not the case, because the main unit providing power to your vacuum is kept away from the rest of the home, often in a garage or basement. This means that in the rooms you are cleaning the system is much quieter and more pleasant to use.

They’re Easy to Use

Because you aren’t lugging a vacuum around with you, central vacuum systems are easier to use. With just a hose, there’s no heavy equipment to roll around the room, and no cumbersome efforts to fit the vacuum into tight spaces or navigate around furniture. You simply hook up a hose and get cleaning. Cleaning your whole house becomes much quicker as well, as you don’t need to move your vacuum from room to room.

No Fighting with Vacuum Cords

For many vacuums, the term portable vacuum is a bit of a misnomer, as they still require a plug in the wall to stay powered. Although the cord on a vacuum may seem similar to the tube used with a central vacuum system’s wall ports, it can be far more cumbersome to work with. By ditching the cord that’s attached off the end of a handle and instead of keeping full control over the tube with a central vacuum system it becomes easier to move around a busy room without getting tied in knots.

Cleaner Air for Happier Lungs

Central vacuum systems cause less dust to be kicked up when you use them, which means that you end up with fewer particles in the air in your home. While your home’s HVAC system and filters can help to clean the air in your home, it always helps to make the air being circulated cleaner in the first place. Cleaner air makes breathing easier, particularly for individuals who suffer from breathing-related illnesses.

Accessories Make Your System Diverse

There is a wide range of accessories available to use with a central vacuum system, all of which help you get the most out of your home’s vacuum. Whether you need an extension to reach the upper corners of your rooms, or a pet brush attachment to help you brush your pets with no mess, there’s an accessory for your central vacuum system to get the job done. This means you can do a more thorough job with less work than a traditional vacuum cleaner.

Stronger Suction Produces Cleaner Rooms

Because central vacuum systems are powered from a centralized unit that is much larger than the average home vacuum cleaner, they are capable of creating significantly more suction, as well. This means that every time you vacuum you leave less small particles behind allowing you to get your rooms cleaner so that they keep looking better for longer.

You’ll Save Money in the Long Run

Although some homeowners are put off by the up-front costs of installing a new central vacuum system in a home, making the decision to switch to a centralized system can actually be cost-effective in the long run. While personal vacuums are less expensive, they also have shorter lifespans, so while each vacuum may cost you less than the central vacuum system, the total cost of purchasing several vacuums in the time that you would only need one central vacuum system becomes more expensive than the centralized option.

It Increases Your Home’s Resale Value

All the great benefits that your home’s central vacuum system provides aren’t just great news for you, but for the next person to live in your house if you decide to sell. By having a central vacuum system installed you make the home more functional, which raises your home’s market value and increases the amount of money you can get when renting or selling.

With so many excellent benefits to installing a central vacuum system in your home, it’s easy to see why homeowners who already have one love their system so much. If you think you can benefit from having your own central vacuum system, there’s no time like the present to see what it can do for you. Contact BEAM of St. Louis today about a consultation and learn about how a central vacuum system can change your home and change your life.

Getting the Most Out of Your Central Vacuum

With all the different tasks you have to keep up with to take care of your home, simplifying cleaning is always nice. The best part is, there’s tons of great technology that can help with that. Central vacuum cleaners are one of the best ways to make keeping your home clean a little bit easier. These vacuums are designed to make cleaning in any room easy with one simple hookup, plus they offer loads of other benefits. If you’re wondering whether a central vacuum is right for you, here’s what you should know.

What Is a Central Vacuum?

When most people think of a vacuum cleaner, they think of a standard vacuum on wheels that plugs into the wall. While these may be the most popular models when it comes to vacuums, they’re far from the only options. For those who hate hauling a vacuum from room to room and finding different outlets to plug into, there are central vacuums. A central vacuum sucks dust into tubing that’s tucked away in your walls and floors, which carry the dust to a dust canister that’s located away from your home. Each room has an air inlet valve which you can connect a hose to when you want to use the central vacuum. Since all the dust from the various inlet valves in your home is routed to one dust canister, the canister is large enough that you only have to worry about cleaning it a few times a year.

Central Vacuum Cost

If you’re thinking about investing in a central vacuum for your home, you’re probably wondering how it compares to other vacuum cleaners price-wise. The fact of the matter is, you’re going to have to spend more money upfront if you want to have a central vacuum installed in your home. You can find a central vacuum kit online that has everything you need to use your vacuum, but installation will still be costly.

The big thing to consider when it comes to the cost of a central vacuum vs. other vacuum cleaners is the fact that it’s so hard to compare the two. Central vacuum cleaners offer a lot of benefits that portable vacuums don’t, and most vacuums don’t last nearly as long as a good central vacuum can. When you factor in the long-term cost of owning a central vacuum cleaner compared to a standard portable model, it’s worth the price you pay.

Central Vacuum Benefits

You’re probably wondering what exactly makes so central vacuums so much better than their portable counterparts. The truth is, there are a lot of good reasons to choose a central vacuum. For starters, central vacuums are a lot more powerful than portable vacuums because they’re run by a much larger motor. As a matter of fact, the large size of central vacuum cleaners also means you don’t have to worry about cleaning out the dust canister as often. Not only that, the motor is positioned away from the house so you don’t have to deal with the typical loud vacuum cleaner noise.

If you’re a homeowner and you’re looking for a big upgrade over the portable vacuum cleaner you’ve got now, a central vacuum is a good choice. You get more power, quieter operation and tons of convenience simply by spending a little more upfront.

Central Vacuum Accessories

One of the best parts about investing in a central vacuum is the wide variety of central vacuum accessories you can find online. You can find all sorts of brushes and other attachments that make it easier for you to hit every spot in your home. There are all sorts of websites that offer a great central vacuum accessory selection no matter what type of accessories you’re looking for.

If you want to get the most out of your central vacuum, you need to make sure you’ve got all the central vacuum accessories that fit your needs. A floor brush is one of the best things you can invest in because it does a great job of replacing the function of your old portable vacuum cleaner. A good floor brush combined with a central vacuum is one of the simplest and most thorough ways to clean just about any room in your house.

Keeping your house clean can feel like a full-time job, especially if you aren’t using the most efficient tools for the job. If you’re still using an old portable vacuum cleaner, you can get a big boost of power by switching over to a central vacuum cleaner. Not only that, central vacuum cleaners are a lot more convenient since you don’t have to drag a vacuum around or constantly empty the dust canister. You can even find a great selection of accessories online to help you get the most out of your vacuum. If you’re on the fence about whether or not to buy a central vacuum, now might be the time to make the investment.

Everything You Need to Know About Central Vacuum Systems

Keeping your home clean is important to you – you work hard every day to keep it safe and sanitary for yourself and your loved ones. The question is, are you using the best tools for the job? There are a lot of ways you can upgrade your cleaning equipment at home, one of the best ways being with a central vacuum system. Strong, efficient and effective, central vacuums come with a surprising slew of benefits over their traditional counterparts. If you’ve been looking for new ways to keep your home clean, here’s a quick look at how a central vacuum can revolutionize your cleaning regimen!

What is a central vacuum system?

Central vacuums are permanently installed in your home – the motor and collection container is usually installed in a part of the house that’s separate from the main living areas, like the garage or basement. The tubes for this vacuum are located inside the walls and are accessible through outlets where you can connect a vacuum hose. Dirt, debris and anything else that you collect with the hose travels through the tubes in the walls and into the main collection chamber, where it can be cleaned out and disposed of. When the vacuum isn’t in use, the hose can be stored almost anywhere in your home.

How are they different from traditional vacuum cleaners?

While they do perform the same task, central vacuums are very different from traditional vacuum cleaners in several ways – since it’s permanently installed in your home, central vacs don’t have quite the same mobility as their traditional counterparts. However, they tend to be much more efficient than standard vacuums; since a central vacuum uses a hose-and-outlet system, it’s easier to move from room-to-room while you clean. Along with this, central vacs are much more powerful and surprisingly quieter than portable vacs.

What are the benefits of a central vacuum?

There are plenty of ways a central vac can improve your home. A few examples of how central vacuum systems might just be the upgrade you’re looking for include:

  • Power – thanks to a larger motor, this type of vacuum system is much stronger than its portable counterpart. Central vacs can effortlessly clean any high traffic area in your home!
  • Ease of use – while they may not be completely portable, the hose-and-outlet system eliminates the need to carry the entire vacuum from room to room while you clean. Say goodbye to lugging a heavy machine up and down the stairs!
  • Noise reduction – with the loud motor tucked away in a separate part of the house, central vacuum systems are quiet enough to use without disturbing others in your home.
  • Home value increase – since a central vac is a home installation, it automatically increases the resale value and equity of your home.
  • Improved air quality – any dust or debris that you clean with your central vac is distant and isolated, which keeps it from recycling back into the air. This is especially great for anyone in your home with sensitive lungs or allergies.
  • Controlled pet dander – if you have pets, a central vac system is one of the best ways to easily keep pet hair and dander under control.
  • Long life – central vacuums are renowned for their incredibly long lifespan, sometimes lasting as long as 30 or 40 years!

What are the drawbacks of a central vac system?

Central vacs can be an excellent addition to your home, but they may not be for everyone. They tend to be much more expensive than a traditional vacuum, sometimes running upwards of $1,500 for the equipment and installation. This type of system is also less energy efficient than a conventional vacuum, as the motor requires a lot more energy to run. If you choose to have one installed, you will need to speak with a professional about setting up the internal tubing and outlets, which can be a lengthy process. While they can be plugged in almost any room in your home, the hoses for a central vacuum are extremely long and can be cumbersome to work with; it can be somewhat difficult to properly clean stairs and wall-to-wall carpeting with these massive hoses. They’re not necessarily suitable for homes that are very small or don’t contain much carpet – central vacuum systems are geared more toward larger, carpeted homes.

Your home is your safe haven, your own little paradise. Keeping it sanitary and comfortable is important for you and your loved ones. If you’re looking for a more effective way to deeply clean your home and improve your family’s quality of life, a central vacuum may be the right choice for you. It is a lifelong investment and the choice to purchase a central vac is one that should be made carefully – however, if the decision truly is best for your home, it very well may be one of the best decisions you and your family will ever make!

Customize Your Cleaning With Central Vacuum Accessories

Central vacuum systems offer a plethora of lightweight, easy-to-use accessories and tools for cleaning all the ins and outs of your home. Read more below to see the many options, information on how a central vacuum kit works and the benefits of using a central vacuum.

I’m Considering Buying Some Central Vacuum Accessories. What Should I Be Looking For?

It is entirely possible that your central vacuum kit alone will not get into every crook and crevice of a modern, multi-faceted home. Consider these handy options:

  • Power Head:Similar to conventional vacuum cleaners, a motorized power head plugs into your central hose system and drives a horizontal spinning beater bar for deep cleaning of high-pile carpets. A great option for high-traffic areas such as living rooms, dens, hallways and bedrooms.
  • Turbo Nozzle: Similar to the motorized power head described above, but with no independently spinning beater bar. Instead, a non-motorized spiral brush uses the suction force of the vacuum itself to deep clean low-pile carpets and area rugs. Great for low-traffic rooms such as the formal dining room, entryways, foyers and parlors.
  • Dusting Brush: Soft, longer bristles perfect for solid, curved surfaces like sconces, lamps, Venetian blinds and window sills.
  • Hard Floor Brush: This popular set of central vacuum accessories achieves maximum suction without the risk of damage that comes with a horizontal beater bar or motorized vacuum. Perfect for tough, everyday surfaces like the kitchen floor, hardwood, laminate, Formica, bathroom tile and linoleum.
  • Crevice Tool: Reliable add-on wand made of hard plastic designed for corners, cabinets, bookshelves, car seats, underneath the refrigerator and other hard-to-reach places
  • Stair Attachments: Ergonomic pivot tube saves your back from unnecessary bending or hefting of a large beater bar, while ensuring that the carpet gets clean.
  • Upholstery Tools:Sturdy, flexible bristles trap dust and provide suction without damaging leather, velvet, satin or soft duvet covers
  • Hose Socks and Covers: A soft fabric or vinyl cylinder cover slides over and around your suction tubes, protecting them from piercing and accidental foot falls. These also protect your walls, corners and floor moulding against marring and scraping from the plastic vacuum hoses.
  • Specialty Attachments: This variety of central vacuum accessories may fit your unique needs such as pet grooming combs, ceiling fan brushes, shag rug rakes and mini-tools for detailed cleaning of computer keyboards and electrical consoles.

How Does a Central Vacuum Cleaner Work?

Central vacuum kits are different from conventional vacuum cleaners in that their receptacle unit is grounded externally in a basement or garage, their suction occurs via PVC pipe behind walls of your house and their power source is embedded into the walls as well. The main engine and debris chamber (receptacle unit) is installed in an out-of-the-way room and electrically grounded. Then, when you’re ready to use the vacuum, you simply plug the hose into the wall itself, press a button, and the dust and debris are sucked directly through the hose, through the wall, straight into the PVC pipe system and into the external receptacle. The receptacle then is only changed  every few months, like a dry septic tank or RV hookups.

Why Should I Consider a Central Vacuum Kit?

There are many benefits to a central vacuum system, including noise reduction, ease of use, customization add-ons and allergy relief.

  • Noise Control: You can avoid hearing all of the churning and motorized chaos of a conventional vacuum cleaner. The central vacuum receptacle and motor will be located in your garage or basement, well out of earshot of living areas, dens and bedrooms.
  • Lightweight and Easy to Use: In daily use, you’ll only be lifting a lightweight hose and its central vacuum accessories. There will be no hauling of a giant receptacle or its wheels, no grimy vacuum bags full of debris, no water-based suction, no cords getting tangled and no dropping of heavy equipment rumbling down the stairs.
  • Customizable: All rooms in your home can be serviced by the central vacuum kit. Even delicate surfaces such as pool tables and vanity cushions can be safely cleaned using one of many customizable central vacuum accessories (mentioned above). With conventional vacuums, you may be limited to only two or three traditional tools. With central vacuums, you can add on dozens of custom pieces. There are even user-friendly vehicle apparatuses to clean bucket seats, car upholstery, Plexiglass, leather and vinyl.
  • Allergy Relief: Without dirty exhaust in your living area, and no immediate disposal of filters or vacuum bags, allergies are less of a concern. You will have a single HEPA filter in the external receptacle, but this will only need to be changed every 2 or 3 months.

Whether you’re considering installing a brand new vacuum system or looking to add to your existing collection of central vacuum accessories and tools, call Beam of St Louis today for a free, no-obligation estimate at (314) 567-1515.

How a Central Vacuum System Benefits Your Business

Keeping your store, office building or workshop clean is just as important as keeping a house clean—it makes for a safer and more productive workspace and presents a more professional image to prospective clients and customers. Of course, a business owner has to balance high standards for cleanliness with finding cost-effective means to achieve those standards. Many businesses turn to central vacuum systems as the solution. These are fixtures installed in the building, composed of a power unit, a series of pipes connected to it and suction inlets placed in accessible spots throughout the building; a vacuum hose, along with desired attachments, is plugged into these inlets as needed. This system carries several advantages over portable vacuums that your business will benefit from.

More Effective Cleaning

In place of wheeling around a portable vacuum, a central vacuum system relies on a single large vacuum with its own bag or collection vessel, motor and filtration system. This vacuum unit, installed in a stationary location like a basement, is not limited by the need for portability or the heat buildup that portable models are susceptible to; thus, it can afford to have a bigger, more powerful motor. Despite the distance from the inlet where the vacuum hose is connected, this design allows substantially more suction power, allowing for more thorough removal of dirt, dust and debris.

Cyclonic cleaners, which don’t require a bag or filter, are more powerful still because they don’t lose suction due to a clogged filter. They can also handle more ‘difficult’ dry debris without fear of damaging a bag or filter, and some systems include a component for separating liquids from the airstream, effectively making the whole system function as a wet-dry vacuum. For industrial usage, this makes a big difference—barring toxic materials that require specialized gear, such a system is better capable of handling the more serious messes found in these settings.

Healthier Air

Though they’re made to remove dust and allergens, portable vacuum cleaners are often guilty of stirring them up into the air instead, doing little to protect occupants susceptible to allergies or asthma. In fact, making allergens and irritants airborne this way increases the adverse effects they can have. This is because the portable vacuum recirculates air as it operates; the dirty air simply returns to the room’s atmosphere. Even with filters, this risk remains, as filters do not catch 100% of airborne dirt and dust particles.

However, central vacuum systems circumvent this issue entirely. The power unit operates from a remote location, with the dust-filled airstream being drawn to it through pipes. From there, the exhaust is vented outdoors, thus preventing it from being expelled back into the building. A study conducted at the University of California at Davis School of Medicine compared central vacuum units to portable vacuums and concluded that central units are more effective on average at removing allergens and improving indoor air quality because of this design.

Ease of Use

In a large or multi-story building, a portable vacuum unit can feel anything but. Carrying a vacuum cleaner from one room to the next, or up a flight of stairs, can become tiring. Additionally, cords present tripping hazards in high-traffic areas and can catch on furniture, and available outlets can be hard to find when you need them. However, with a central vacuum system, all you have to carry is the vacuum hose and attachments. No power cords are involved—the central power unit is self-contained and ready to run when you plug into the suction inlet. Also, you can have inlets installed where they’re most convenient and accessible, and you won’t compete with other devices for access to them.

The reduced bulk that comes with having just a vacuum hose also helps with cleaning harder-to-reach spots, much like the hose on a conventional cleaner but enhanced by the removal of everything except for the hose. For cleaning the floors, a power brush head works where the hose alone doesn’t, and other attachments offer the needed versatility for cleaning other surfaces.

Simpler Maintenance

A high-quality vacuum cleaner can last you for years—provided that the motor doesn’t go bad, nor any of the various moving parts, and that you don’t accidentally damage it by dropping it or sucking up something you shouldn’t. In practice, your portable cleaner will need to be replaced within just a few years. Central vacuum systems, though, are built to last. The power unit is designed to handle regular usage across an entire building, and many come with a lifetime warranty that backs this. For regular maintenance, you generally only need to empty the collection vessel and change out any filters a few times a year, as well as wash out the wet vac unit after use if one is installed. Most often, if anything needs replacing, it’s just the hose or brush head.

In the long run, a central vacuum system is a valuable investment for your business. Powerful, thorough cleaning, substantially improved air quality and versatility and ease of use benefit both employees and customers and are well worth the low ongoing costs.

Top 14 Accessories Every Central Vacuum Owner Needs To Consider

Centralized vacuum systems are efficient, lightweight, easy to maneuver and versatile. Central vacuum accessories allow homeowners to clean floors, ceilings, stairwells, blinds, furniture and so much more. If you own a centralized system, consider the 14 most popular attachments for your machine and making chores a breeze.

  1. Hoses

While many accessories are optional, hoses are necessary for using your vacuum. However, standard setups may come with a 30-foot hose, which is useful, but you may need longer for certain chores. For example, you may want to purchase a hose extension to allow for easier cleaning of ceiling fans and cobwebs.

  1. Wands

Selecting the right wand for your system is crucial. The wand is the connection between the hose and any other attachments you choose. You can select a telescoping wand or a stationary wand. Telescoping wands allow for more cleaning flexibility by increasing your reach. Stationary wands are less expensive but may restrict some cleaning applications.

  1. Powerheads

Motorized attachments or powerheads allow for more powerful cleaning. You will want one of these heads if you have thicker carpeting or plush rugs in your home. While you can also use these attachments on hard surfaces, the added power is not essential.

  1. Turbo Nozzles

Turbo nozzles use the air current and suction power of the central vacuum system to rotate the brushes on the head. If you have low-pile carpeting or rugs, then this tool is the best option. You may also use this nozzle on harder surfaces, but other attachments are better suited.

  1. Hard Floor Tool

Hard floor tools often have stationary brushes and rubber wheels. The design provides confidence that you will not inadvertently scratch or damage your hard surfaces, like wood or tile. While you may use other attachments with spinning brushes, some of these attachments may cause minor damage to hardwood.

  1. Stair Attachment

Have you ever tried vacuuming your stairs with an upright vacuum? It’s a nightmare, right? Stair attachments a small and easy to maneuver. These attachments will have a spinning brush and may come in motorized or air-powered designs. Again, the option you choose depends on the carpeting or flooring you have.

  1. Upholstery Attachment

Upholstery attachments are excellent for delicate fabrics and materials. They are typically flat with several bristles, and some may come with a velvet strip affixed to the head, which is ideal for hair or pet fur removal. These tools rely on the suction power of the vacuum motor rather than agitator brushes.

  1. Dusting Brush

A dusting brush attachment is an excellent addition to any central vacuum system. This tool is often small and round with long, soft bristles extending from the mouth. You can use it for dusting countertops, tables, heating and cooling vents, blinds and even ceiling fan blades. This tool is a must for any homeowner.

  1. Vehicle Tool

Central vacuum accessories are not only limited to cleaning the interior of your home. These versatile machines also have attachments for cleaning your vehicle. The vehicle tool is a hard plastic attachment meant for picking up larger and hard to reach debris. While you can use another head with rotating brushes in your vehicle, this attachment ensures you don’t do any damage to the tool or your car.

  1. Crevice Tool

The crevice tool is one of the best accessories for cleaning in tight spaces. The narrow design of this attachment makes it the perfect fit for vacuuming in between car seats or couch cushions. You may even find this little tool useful for cleaning around the edges of your stovetop or under your fridge.

  1. Vacuum Bags

Some manufacturers design central vacuum units with the option of using bags. If your unit allows the use of a bag, use it because it makes emptying and clean up easy. Without a bag, you will need to dump the receptacle, which may cause a cloud of dust around you and in your garage or basement. A bag is a dust-free option.

  1. Vacuum Filters

With central vacuum accessories, you also have filter options. For most people, a standard filter will work fine. However, if you have severe allergies or pets, a HEPA filter may make for a better choice. You will also find filters in paper or foam, with foam being more resilient.

  1. Tool Storage

While not technically an accessory for your vacuum, tool storage bags are essential. You will inevitably collect several attachments, and it is best to have a single place to store them.

  1. Kits

With the multitude of accessories, it’s expensive to purchase attachments separately. Central vacuum kits provide multiple tools for a single price that is often less than buying each piece individually.

Do you already own a central vacuum system? If so, do you have all the attachments you need? If you would like advice on the best accessories for your specific needs, contact a representative of BEAM of St. Louis.